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oennarts's avatar

The Ceremony of Forgiveness



“We are sorry”
“After 300 years, the right words were finally spoken”

“Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”


On this historic day, we shall remember that it takes the bravery of a few to correct and build the honor of a nation. In order to do the right action, in face of the adversity and in name of the powerless and those we have armed.

Time doesn’t erase wounds. But our humility and the acceptance of our responsibility for our flaws and denials are the correct steps to efficiently heal them. And the day, the “others” cease to be our enemies but instead turns to be our victims, the day we are no longer hero but instead became the despot; this day is the time we have to look in our heart, to find the strength to judge our past actions and decide they shall no longer represent our nowadays doing.

It is to us, to be honest enough, to admit and confess to all the ones we have hurt and betrayed, that we know we wrong them, that we want their forgiveness and we will do everything in our power to earn this ultimate pardon.

So that, all of our nations can grow a better and peaceful future.


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LotusRubin's avatar

So when are US-Americans apologising who have "NOTHING" to do with the People who nuked Japan twice and when are Turks apologising for the Genocide on the Armenians and when are chinese People apologising for the Crimes against Tibet ?